The Submarine Volcanic Activity and Associated Hazard: Recent and Ancient Perspectives provided the first forum for the presentation of results from the Surtsey 2017 drilling expedition.
In total 7 students and post-docs presented talks and posters that were prepared in collaboration with 8 professors. These talks and posters represented scientific research from institutions in Australia, Iceland, Italy, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, and the United States.
List of Abstracts
Surtsey after 50 years: Time lapse palagonitization within a young seawater-dominated hydrothermal system
Presented by Simon Prause
Rapid evolution of material characteristics in subaerial and submarine basaltic tuff 50 years after eruption, Surtsey volcano, Iceland
Presented by Marie Jackson
Fifty Year Evolution of Thermal Manifestations at Surtsey Volcano, 1968 – 2018
Presented by Velveth Perez
The thermal history of Surtsey, explored using HYDROTHERM numerical simulations
Presented by Hannah Reynolds
Onset and early evolution of submarine-to-emergent explosive activity during the Surtsey eruptions, Iceland, 1963-1967
Presented by Sarah Sayadi
The Surtsey 1963 eruption plume, characteristics and tephra dispersal
Presented by Einar Sindri Ólafsson
Design and implementation of a submarine borehole observatory at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Presented by Andreas Türke
The Lithology of the 2017 Surtsey Volcano Drill Cores
Presented by Carolyn Gorny